Your professional Partner for legal affairs

Based on 19 years of experience and continuing education I guarantee competence, quality and intuition in all transactions.

  • counselling of business clients
  • legal services on a regular basis to support the day-to-day operations of small to mid-size business clients
  • reliability
  • insistence
  • efficiency

Field of Activities

  • business & corporate law
  • mergers & acquisition
  • real estate
  • tenancy law
  • data protection 
  • property management

Property Management

  • property management computer based on austrian standards  ÖNORM 
  • assumption of commercial, legal and technical duties
  • solution oriented team with face to face contact 
  • long lasting experience in handling small and middle sized objects
  • located  in Wels and Aichereben, Attersee, Upper Austria


Languages: German (native), English (fluent)


   Seat: Pfarrgasse 25, 4600 Wels, Upper Austria

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Supervising authority: Austrian Bar association

      Office hours

      mo - thu 08:00 -12:00 am & 01:00-06:00 pm

      friday  08:00 am - 02:00 pm

      phone  +43 (0) 7242 211 136